
Have you ever cheated when reading a book, and flipped to the last page to see if the hero made it out alive?

Or read a spoiler online about a movie you’re going to see to avoid living in an hour and 30 minutes of the unknown?

Does he get the girl?
Do they win the war?
Does she live or die?

When you know the outcome, it changes the way you read the book, or watch the film. Different things pop out that foreshadow the ending. Or the battle scene isn’t as anxiety ridden, because you know they will win.

Can I tell you something? The battle’s already been won. The victory is done. Do you know this? And I mean KNOW know this. Like, LIVE this KNOW this?

How differently would you live you life when you had this realization, constantly in the front of your mind? Can you imagine the peace, clarity and wisdom that you would have, in abundance, if you lived like you knew that God already has it taken care of, and the battle has already been won?


When Jesus died on the cross, he said, “tetelstai,” meaning “it is finished.

So what happens when the storm comes, but this time, you know that you come out of it, unscathed? What happens when you enter the fight, but this time, you know that He has overcome?

You walk through it with peace and rest.

Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.
Psalm 116:7

God is good, and He has overcome.





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